Regular Student Selection Process

Updated at 06/21/24 20:58

The Coordination of the Postgraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering (PPGMEC), within the School of Electrical, Mechanical, and Computer Engineering (EMC) at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), hereby announces the regulations of Notice No. 02/2022 concerning the Selection Process for filling vacancies for the first semester of 2023, at the Master's level, in accordance with the requirements of the Regulation of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Mechanical Engineering/UFG - Master's Level (CEPEC Resolution No. 1668/2020), CEPEC Resolution No. 1403/2016, CONSUNI Resolution No. 07/2015, and Ordinance No. 1049/2019.


Notice 02/2024 PPGMEC/UFG - Regular Student


Candidates eligible for the PPGMEC/UFG Master's Selection Process include holders of undergraduate diplomas from long-duration programs (full undergraduate degrees), duly recognized by the Ministry of Education (MEC) in the fields of Mechanical Engineering or Aeronautical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Physics, Materials, Mechatronics, Metallurgical, Naval, Petroleum, Production, Chemistry, as well as graduates of Bachelor's and Licentiate degrees in Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry."

Important Information:

APPLICATION PERIOD: from 07/06/2024 to 24/06/2024.

REGISTRATION FEE: R$ 0.00 (free)


Complete the form without fail:

1) RegistrationForm:


Information about assessments:

1) English Language Proficiency Exam: << coming soon here>>


2) Specific Knowledge Test: << coming soon here >>


Results of the selection process for regular students 2024-2

Release date


Preliminary Validation


<<click here>>

Final Approval


<<click here>>

Composition of the examination board


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Preparatory Language Proficiency Exams


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<<Answer >>

Preliminary Specific Knowledge Exam


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<<Answer >>

Final Language Proficiency Exams


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Final Specific Knowledge Exam


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Preliminary Lattes Curriculum Evaluation


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Final Lattes Curriculum Evaluation


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Preliminary results of the selection process


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The final results of the selection process


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