"Registration of Co-supervisors and External Committee Members outside PPGMEC

Updated at 05/16/24 20:20


Registration of External Users in SIGAA

This link is intended for registration of professionals who will act as CO-SUPERVISORS OR COMMITTEE MEMBERS at PPGMEC: https://forms.gle/YzaFGF4Uw4rXdh748

External User Registration in SEI

Follow the steps below to register as an external user in SEI (Electronic Information System):

1 - Click on the following linkhttps://sei.ufg.br/sei/controlador_externo.php?acao=usuario_externo_logar&id_orgao_acesso_externo=0

2 - On the login screen, click on "Click here if you are not registered yet," as shown in the image below.

 cadastro SEI

3 - Next, the SEI external user registration screen will open, containing important information. After carefully reading the information, click on "Click here to continue," as shown in the image below:

 Cadastro SEI(2)

4 - On the next screen, fill in the fields of Personal Data and Authentication Data and click Send, as shown in the image below:

 cadastro SEI(3)

5 - This was the first step to register as an external user. However, there will be more procedures required to complete the registration.

6 - Next, fill out, print, and sign the Declaration of Awareness and Agreement available at the following link: Declaration of Awareness and Agreement Form

7 - Then, scan the form along with your ID (or another official photo ID) and CPF. These documents should preferably be sent from your academic or institutional email to the email address sei@ufg.br.

8 - Now, you will need to wait for a confirmation email of your registration sent to your email address. Remember to check your SPAM or Junk Email folder.

9 - After receiving the confirmation email, you need to make the first access to SEI, following the tutorial available below:   First Access Tutorial to SEI

10 - After making the first access to SEI, you will be able to open processes in SEI as an external user