

The Foundation for the Support of Research in the State of Goiás - FAPEG hereby announces the launch of this Public Call No. 21/2024, which establishes the guidelines for submitting proposals under the "Program for Aid to Scientific and Technological Research."

The Program for Aid to Scientific and Technological Research aims to support research projects in all areas of knowledge, to be carried out under the responsibility of a proposing researcher who holds employment with a Higher Education Institution (HEI) located in the State of Goiás, either public or private, and non-profit.

To ensure broad dissemination of financial aid opportunities for research projects to all PPGMEC-UFG faculty, the schedule for submitting proposals to the Call No. 21/2024 is presented below in Table 1:

Table 1. Schedule for FAPEG Call No. 21/2024 for PPGMEC

Activity Date
Publication of the Call on the PPGMEC website 20/09/2024
Proposal submission period via email ppgmec.emc@ufg.br (access submitted proposals here) 20/09/2024 to 11/10/2024
Publication of the Preliminary Selection Committee (access the preliminary selection board here) 14/10/2024
Deadline for submitting appeals regarding the Selection Committee to the email ppgmec.emc@ufg.br 16/10/2024
Publication of the Final Internal Selection Committee 18/10/2024
Preliminary results of the proposals 25/10/2024
Deadline for submitting appeals regarding the preliminary results to the email ppgmec.emc@ufg.br 29/10/2024
Final results 31/10/2024
Deadline for proposal submission on the Sparkx-FAPEG platform by the PPGs Until 17:00h on 04/11/2024

To be eligible, the proposal must meet all the requirements of Call No. 21/2024 (link to access), with emphasis on the following points:

According to item 3.4 of FAPEG Call No. 21/2024: "The proposal may include a single research project with a maximum value of R$ 60,000.00 (sixty thousand reais) or up to two (2) projects with a maximum value of R$ 30,000.00 (thirty thousand reais) each, in addition to one (1) project for the reserve list, with a maximum value of R$ 30,000.00 (thirty thousand reais)."

According to item 6.2 of FAPEG Call No. 21/2024, for the proposing researcher/coordinator:

a. Be Brazilian or a foreign national with regular status in the country;

b. Hold a doctoral degree;

c. Be a permanent and effective staff member, with an employment or statutory relationship at the HEI headquartered in the State of Goiás (public or private, non-profit), which will host the execution of the project (executing institution);

d. Be linked to the PPG as a Permanent or Collaborating Professor, with no provision for awarding to Visiting Professors;

e. Demonstrate expertise in the research area of the proposed project;

f. Have an updated electronic profile on the Sparkx-FAPEG and Charles Darwin platforms;

g. Be up-to-date with all responsibilities related to FAPEG (submission of reviews, delivery of reports, and accountability);

h. Have received funding for only one research project under this call, even if involved in more than one eligible PPG for proposal submission.

According to item 4.3 of FAPEG Call No. 21/2024, eligible items for funding are as follows:

a. Consumables: Items with a short-term duration, such as reagents, chemicals, supplies, medications, food products, and materials that lose their physical identity and/or operational autonomy within two (2) years;

b. Third-party services: Short-term technical services provided by individuals or companies, directly related to the intended research outcomes, such as equipment repair and maintenance, external laboratory usage, equipment importation, installation, and more;

c. Domestic travel expenses: According to FAPEG regulations, for activities strictly related to the execution of the proposed research, limited to up to 20% of the total project budget.